Michelle Lee grew up in a small desert town in southern Utah where frying eggs on the sidewalk was a real thing. She once was told by a teacher that she was too “overzealous,” to which she replied, “Thank you. I’ve worked my whole life to move above the zealous line.” That teacher never liked her, but others did. One teacher told Michelle that she was a natural writer, and that belief stuck with her as she launched her writing career.
The Playground is Michelle Lee’s debut novel, provoked by her wild imagination and curiosity of people. When she finishes the “Secret Lives of Moms” series, she plans to write her husband’s memoir and some rendering based on teenage hormones (because they’re about to take over her life).
Michelle Lee loves traveling with her husband and kids, in that order. Her most challenging and fulfilling profession to date has been as a work-at-home mom. It’s a job Michelle would not have traded for all the jobs in the world. When Michelle is not writing, she enjoys the simple pleasures in life: Family, friends, and food.
Michelle loves hearing from readers and fellow writers. Please contact her!